Output formats for Extract Stellar request
"Extract Stellar" ems request format looks like this:
begin request extract stellar <options> <lambda1>, <lambda2> <detection_threshold>, <micro-turbulence in km/s> <Effective temperature>, <surface gravity> <Abundances in format 'Fe: -4.54',...,'END'> end request
Possible options are (first is default):
default/personal configuration short/long format via FTP default/extended Waals have Rad have Stark have Waals have Lande have term energy unit eV/1cm medium air/vacuum wave unit Angstrom/nm/1cm isotopic scaling on/off
"Extract Stellar" request formats and sorts extracted data in accordance to the selected units. Below we show some examples of outputs in "short" and "long" formats for various units for transition wavelength and level energy.
For each transition, the output also provides a series of reference numbers and a reference codes. The reference numbers correspond to source line lists given at the end of the output. The reference code (string of maximum 7 characters) gives the key to the bibliographic records provided in the accompanying bibtex file.
The reference numbers and codes are given in the following order:
Short format:
Lande factor
radiative damping
Stark damping
Long format:
Lande factor
radiative damping
Stark damping
term designation
Air wavelengths in Å in short format with energies in eV (one line per transition)
4403.75000, 4405.75000, 13, 156, 1.0, Wavelength region, lines selected, lines processed, Vmicro
Damping parameters Lande Central
Spec Ion WL_air(A) Excit(eV) Vmic log gf* Rad. Stark Waals factor depth Reference
'Fe 1', 4403.9663, 4.1540, 1.0, -1.810, 8.340,-4.340, -7.340, 1.370, 0.430, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Fe 1', 4404.0815, 3.9290, 1.0, -2.048, 7.990,-6.060, -7.510, 1.370, 0.428, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 4404.2681, 2.2500, 1.0, 0.197, 8.140,-5.900, -7.710, 1.150, 0.617, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Ti 1', 4404.2891, 2.2500, 1.0, -0.954, 8.110,-5.780, -7.680, 1.340, 0.120, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Ti 1', 4404.3896, 1.0530, 1.0, -1.475, 7.370,-6.010, -7.740, 1.000, 0.425, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'V 2', 4404.6665, 1.8170, 1.0, -2.170, 8.390,-6.490, -7.870, 1.290, 0.094, ' 3 K10 3 K10 4 MFW 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 V+ '
'Fe 1', 4404.7505, 1.5570, 1.0, -0.142, 8.050,-6.060, 301.263, 1.130, 0.965, ' 5 FMW 1 K07 5 FMW 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 6 BPM Fe '
'Fe 1', 4404.8491, 4.5840, 1.0, -2.477, 7.270,-3.820, -7.310, 0.730, 0.061, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 4404.8960, 1.8790, 1.0, -0.534, 8.020,-5.660, -7.700, 1.150, 0.461, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Co 1', 4404.9326, 2.6300, 1.0, -1.542, 8.030,-6.050, -7.790, 1.240, 0.157, ' 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 Co '
'V 1', 4405.0117, 0.2750, 1.0, -2.400, 7.660,-6.070, 312.257, 1.620, 0.052, ' 8 K09 8 K09 4 MFW 8 K09 8 K09 8 K09 6 BPM V '
'Fe 1', 4405.0190, 0.0520, 1.0, -5.221, 4.360,-6.210, -7.820, 1.510, 0.808, ' 5 BWL 1 K07 5 BWL 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 4405.6821, 1.0530, 1.0, -1.874, 7.360,-6.010, -7.740, 1.010, 0.223, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'H : 0.92','He: -1.11',
'Li:-10.94','Be:-10.64','B : -9.49','C : -3.52','N : -4.12','O : -3.21',
'F : -7.48','Ne: -3.96','Na: -5.71','Mg: -4.46','Al: -5.57','Si: -4.49',
'P : -6.59','S : -4.71','Cl: -6.54','Ar: -5.64','K : -6.92','Ca: -5.68',
'Sc: -8.87','Ti: -7.02','V : -8.04','Cr: -6.37','Mn: -6.65','Fe: -4.54',
'Co: -7.12','Ni: -5.79','Cu: -7.83','Zn: -7.44','Ga: -9.16','Ge: -8.63',
'As: -9.67','Se: -8.63','Br: -9.41','Kr: -8.73','Rb: -9.44','Sr: -9.07',
'Y : -9.80','Zr: -9.44','Nb:-10.62','Mo:-10.12','Tc:-20.00','Ru:-10.20',
'Sb:-11.04','Te: -9.80','I :-10.53','Xe: -9.87','Cs:-10.91','Ba: -9.91',
'Tm:-12.04','Yb:-10.96','Lu:-11.98','Hf:-11.16','Ta:-12.17','W :-10.93',
'Fr:-20.00','Ra:-20.00','Ac:-20.00','Th:-11.95','Pa:-20.00','U :-12.54',
* oscillator strengths were scaled by the solar isotopic ratios.
1. Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 1
2. Kurucz obs. energy level: Ti 1
3. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 2
4. V : NBS data
5. Fe 1: exp. data
6. Van der Waals data
7. Kurucz obs. energy level: Co 1
8. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 1
- Air wavelengths in nm in short format
440.37500, 440.57500, 13, 156, 1.0, Wavelength region, lines selected, lines processed, Vmicro
Damping parameters Lande Central
Spec Ion WL_air(nm) Excit(eV) Vmic log gf* Rad. Stark Waals factor depth Reference
'Fe 1', 440.39664, 4.1540, 1.0, -1.810, 8.340,-4.340, -7.340, 1.370, 0.430, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Fe 1', 440.40817, 3.9290, 1.0, -2.048, 7.990,-6.060, -7.510, 1.370, 0.428, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 440.42682, 2.2500, 1.0, 0.197, 8.140,-5.900, -7.710, 1.150, 0.617, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Ti 1', 440.42889, 2.2500, 1.0, -0.954, 8.110,-5.780, -7.680, 1.340, 0.120, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Ti 1', 440.43893, 1.0530, 1.0, -1.475, 7.370,-6.010, -7.740, 1.000, 0.425, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'V 2', 440.46664, 1.8170, 1.0, -2.170, 8.390,-6.490, -7.870, 1.290, 0.094, ' 3 K10 3 K10 4 MFW 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 V+ '
'Fe 1', 440.47504, 1.5570, 1.0, -0.142, 8.050,-6.060, 301.263, 1.130, 0.965, ' 5 FMW 1 K07 5 FMW 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 6 BPM Fe '
'Fe 1', 440.48492, 4.5840, 1.0, -2.477, 7.270,-3.820, -7.310, 0.730, 0.061, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 440.48959, 1.8790, 1.0, -0.534, 8.020,-5.660, -7.700, 1.150, 0.461, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Co 1', 440.49326, 2.6300, 1.0, -1.542, 8.030,-6.050, -7.790, 1.240, 0.157, ' 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 Co '
'V 1', 440.50119, 0.2750, 1.0, -2.400, 7.660,-6.070, 312.257, 1.620, 0.052, ' 8 K09 8 K09 4 MFW 8 K09 8 K09 8 K09 6 BPM V '
'Fe 1', 440.50189, 0.0520, 1.0, -5.221, 4.360,-6.210, -7.820, 1.510, 0.808, ' 5 BWL 1 K07 5 BWL 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 440.56821, 1.0530, 1.0, -1.874, 7.360,-6.010, -7.740, 1.010, 0.223, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'H : 0.92','He: -1.11',
'Li:-10.94','Be:-10.64','B : -9.49','C : -3.52','N : -4.12','O : -3.21',
'F : -7.48','Ne: -3.96','Na: -5.71','Mg: -4.46','Al: -5.57','Si: -4.49',
'P : -6.59','S : -4.71','Cl: -6.54','Ar: -5.64','K : -6.92','Ca: -5.68',
'Sc: -8.87','Ti: -7.02','V : -8.04','Cr: -6.37','Mn: -6.65','Fe: -4.54',
'Co: -7.12','Ni: -5.79','Cu: -7.83','Zn: -7.44','Ga: -9.16','Ge: -8.63',
'As: -9.67','Se: -8.63','Br: -9.41','Kr: -8.73','Rb: -9.44','Sr: -9.07',
'Y : -9.80','Zr: -9.44','Nb:-10.62','Mo:-10.12','Tc:-20.00','Ru:-10.20',
'Sb:-11.04','Te: -9.80','I :-10.53','Xe: -9.87','Cs:-10.91','Ba: -9.91',
'Tm:-12.04','Yb:-10.96','Lu:-11.98','Hf:-11.16','Ta:-12.17','W :-10.93',
'Fr:-20.00','Ra:-20.00','Ac:-20.00','Th:-11.95','Pa:-20.00','U :-12.54',
* oscillator strengths were scaled by the solar isotopic ratios.
1. Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 1
2. Kurucz obs. energy level: Ti 1
3. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 2
4. V : NBS data
5. Fe 1: exp. data
6. Van der Waals data
7. Kurucz obs. energy level: Co 1
8. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 1
- Vacuum wavelengths in 1/cm in short format (note change in line order)
22691.23700, 22701.54300, 13, 156, 1.0, Wavelength region, lines selected, lines processed, Vmicro
Damping parameters Lande Central
Spec Ion WL_vac(cm^-1) Excit(eV) Vmic log gf* Rad. Stark Waals factor depth Reference
'Ti 1', 22691.588, 1.0530, 1.0, -1.874, 7.360,-6.010, -7.740, 1.010, 0.223, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Fe 1', 22695.002, 0.0520, 1.0, -5.221, 4.360,-6.210, -7.820, 1.510, 0.808, ' 5 BWL 1 K07 5 BWL 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'V 1', 22695.039, 0.2750, 1.0, -2.400, 7.660,-6.070, 312.257, 1.620, 0.052, ' 8 K09 8 K09 4 MFW 8 K09 8 K09 8 K09 6 BPM V '
'Co 1', 22695.449, 2.6300, 1.0, -1.542, 8.030,-6.050, -7.790, 1.240, 0.157, ' 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 Co '
'Ti 1', 22695.637, 1.8790, 1.0, -0.534, 8.020,-5.660, -7.700, 1.150, 0.461, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Fe 1', 22695.877, 4.5840, 1.0, -2.477, 7.270,-3.820, -7.310, 0.730, 0.061, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Fe 1', 22696.387, 1.5570, 1.0, -0.142, 8.050,-6.060, 301.263, 1.130, 0.965, ' 5 FMW 1 K07 5 FMW 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 6 BPM Fe '
'V 2', 22696.820, 1.8170, 1.0, -2.170, 8.390,-6.490, -7.870, 1.290, 0.094, ' 3 K10 3 K10 4 MFW 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 V+ '
'Ti 1', 22698.246, 1.0530, 1.0, -1.475, 7.370,-6.010, -7.740, 1.000, 0.425, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Ti 1', 22698.766, 2.2500, 1.0, -0.954, 8.110,-5.780, -7.680, 1.340, 0.120, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Ti 1', 22698.871, 2.2500, 1.0, 0.197, 8.140,-5.900, -7.710, 1.150, 0.617, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Fe 1', 22699.832, 3.9290, 1.0, -2.048, 7.990,-6.060, -7.510, 1.370, 0.428, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Fe 1', 22700.428, 4.1540, 1.0, -1.810, 8.340,-4.340, -7.340, 1.370, 0.430, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'H : 0.92','He: -1.11',
'Li:-10.94','Be:-10.64','B : -9.49','C : -3.52','N : -4.12','O : -3.21',
'F : -7.48','Ne: -3.96','Na: -5.71','Mg: -4.46','Al: -5.57','Si: -4.49',
'P : -6.59','S : -4.71','Cl: -6.54','Ar: -5.64','K : -6.92','Ca: -5.68',
'Sc: -8.87','Ti: -7.02','V : -8.04','Cr: -6.37','Mn: -6.65','Fe: -4.54',
'Co: -7.12','Ni: -5.79','Cu: -7.83','Zn: -7.44','Ga: -9.16','Ge: -8.63',
'As: -9.67','Se: -8.63','Br: -9.41','Kr: -8.73','Rb: -9.44','Sr: -9.07',
'Y : -9.80','Zr: -9.44','Nb:-10.62','Mo:-10.12','Tc:-20.00','Ru:-10.20',
'Sb:-11.04','Te: -9.80','I :-10.53','Xe: -9.87','Cs:-10.91','Ba: -9.91',
'Tm:-12.04','Yb:-10.96','Lu:-11.98','Hf:-11.16','Ta:-12.17','W :-10.93',
'Fr:-20.00','Ra:-20.00','Ac:-20.00','Th:-11.95','Pa:-20.00','U :-12.54',
* oscillator strengths were scaled by the solar isotopic ratios.
1. Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 1
2. Kurucz obs. energy level: Ti 1
3. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 2
4. V : NBS data
5. Fe 1: exp. data
6. Van der Waals data
7. Kurucz obs. energy level: Co 1
8. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 1
- Air wavelengths in nm in short format with energies in 1/cm
440.37500, 440.57500, 13, 156, 1.0, Wavelength region, lines selected, lines processed, Vmicro
Damping parameters Lande Central
Spec Ion WL_air(nm) Ex(cm^-1) Vmic log gf* Rad. Stark Waals factor depth Reference
'Fe 1', 440.39664, 33507.1210, 1.0, -1.810, 8.340,-4.340, -7.340, 1.370, 0.429, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Fe 1', 440.40817, 31686.3490, 1.0, -2.048, 7.990,-6.060, -7.510, 1.370, 0.428, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 440.42681, 18145.2850, 1.0, 0.197, 8.140,-5.900, -7.710, 1.150, 0.617, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Ti 1', 440.42889, 18145.2850, 1.0, -0.954, 8.110,-5.780, -7.680, 1.340, 0.120, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Ti 1', 440.43894, 8492.4210, 1.0, -1.475, 7.370,-6.010, -7.740, 1.000, 0.425, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'V 2', 440.46663, 14655.6300, 1.0, -2.170, 8.390,-6.490, -7.870, 1.290, 0.094, ' 3 K10 3 K10 4 MFW 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 V+ '
'Fe 1', 440.47504, 12560.9330, 1.0, -0.142, 8.050,-6.060, 301.263, 1.130, 0.965, ' 5 FMW 1 K07 5 FMW 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 6 BPM Fe '
'Fe 1', 440.48493, 36975.5860, 1.0, -2.477, 7.270,-3.820, -7.310, 0.730, 0.061, ' 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 440.48959, 15156.8000, 1.0, -0.534, 8.020,-5.660, -7.700, 1.150, 0.461, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'Co 1', 440.49324, 21215.8600, 1.0, -1.542, 8.030,-6.050, -7.790, 1.240, 0.156, ' 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 Co '
'V 1', 440.50118, 2220.1100, 1.0, -2.400, 7.660,-6.070, 312.257, 1.620, 0.052, ' 8 K09 8 K09 4 MFW 8 K09 8 K09 8 K09 6 BPM V '
'Fe 1', 440.50190, 415.9330, 1.0, -5.221, 4.360,-6.210, -7.820, 1.510, 0.808, ' 5 BWL 1 K07 5 BWL 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 Fe '
'Ti 1', 440.56819, 8492.4210, 1.0, -1.874, 7.360,-6.010, -7.740, 1.010, 0.223, ' 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 Ti '
'H : 0.92','He: -1.11',
'Li:-10.94','Be:-10.64','B : -9.49','C : -3.52','N : -4.12','O : -3.21',
'F : -7.48','Ne: -3.96','Na: -5.71','Mg: -4.46','Al: -5.57','Si: -4.49',
'P : -6.59','S : -4.71','Cl: -6.54','Ar: -5.64','K : -6.92','Ca: -5.68',
'Sc: -8.87','Ti: -7.02','V : -8.04','Cr: -6.37','Mn: -6.65','Fe: -4.54',
'Co: -7.12','Ni: -5.79','Cu: -7.83','Zn: -7.44','Ga: -9.16','Ge: -8.63',
'As: -9.67','Se: -8.63','Br: -9.41','Kr: -8.73','Rb: -9.44','Sr: -9.07',
'Y : -9.80','Zr: -9.44','Nb:-10.62','Mo:-10.12','Tc:-20.00','Ru:-10.20',
'Sb:-11.04','Te: -9.80','I :-10.53','Xe: -9.87','Cs:-10.91','Ba: -9.91',
'Tm:-12.04','Yb:-10.96','Lu:-11.98','Hf:-11.16','Ta:-12.17','W :-10.93',
'Fr:-20.00','Ra:-20.00','Ac:-20.00','Th:-11.95','Pa:-20.00','U :-12.54',
* oscillator strengths were scaled by the solar isotopic ratios.
1. Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 1
2. Kurucz obs. energy level: Ti 1
3. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 2
4. V : NBS data
5. Fe 1: exp. data
6. Van der Waals data
7. Kurucz obs. energy level: Co 1
8. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 1
Air wavelengths in Å in long format (4 lines per transition)
4403.75000, 4405.75000, 13, 156, 1.0, Wavelength region, lines selected, lines processed, Vmicro
Lande factors Damping parameters Central
Spec Ion WL_air(A) log gf* E_low(eV) J lo E_up(eV) J up lower upper mean Rad. Stark Waals depth
'Fe 1', 4403.9664, -1.810, 4.1540, 3.0, 6.9690, 4.0, 1.490, 1.440, 1.370, 8.340,-4.340, -7.340, 0.430,
' LS 3p6.3d7.(4F).4p y5D*'
' LS 3p6.3d6.(5D).4s.\ (6D).5d 5D'
' K07 Kurucz FeI Fe 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 '
'Fe 1', 4404.0817, -2.048, 3.9290, 2.0, 6.7430, 1.0, 1.170, 0.760, 1.370, 7.990,-6.060, -7.510, 0.428,
' LS 3p6.3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P*) z3D*'
' LS 3p6.3d7.(4F).4d g5F'
' K07 Kurucz FeI Fe 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 '
'Ti 1', 4404.2681, 0.197, 2.2500, 2.0, 5.0640, 3.0, 1.480, 1.310, 1.150, 8.140,-5.900, -7.710, 0.617,
' LS (2P)4s b3P'
' LS (4P)4p r3D*'
' K10 Kurucz TiI Ti 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 '
'Ti 1', 4404.2889, -0.954, 2.2500, 2.0, 5.0640, 1.0, 1.480, 1.760, 1.340, 8.110,-5.780, -7.680, 0.120,
' LS (2P)4s b3P'
' LS (2P)4p x3S*'
' K10 Kurucz TiI Ti 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 '
'Ti 1', 4404.3894, -1.475, 1.0530, 1.0, 3.8670, 2.0, 1.500, 1.170, 1.000, 7.370,-6.010, -7.740, 0.425,
' LS d2s2 a3P'
' LS 3Psp3P v3D*'
' K10 Kurucz TiI Ti 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 '
'V 2', 4404.6663, -2.170, 1.8170, 5.0, 4.6310, 5.0, 1.170, 1.400, 1.290, 8.390,-6.490, -7.870, 0.094,
' LS d4 a3G'
' LS (4F)4p z5F*'
' K10 Kurucz V I V+ 3 K10 4 MFW 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 3 K10 '
'Fe 1', 4404.7504, -0.142, 1.5570, 3.0, 4.3710, 4.0, 1.090, 1.100, 1.130, 8.050,-6.060, 301.263, 0.965,
' LS 3p6.3d7.(4F).4s a3F'
' LS 3p6.3d7.(4F).4p z5G*'
' FMW N Fe 1 exp. Fe 5 FMW 5 FMW 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 6 BPM 1 K07 '
'Fe 1', 4404.8493, -2.477, 4.5840, 3.0, 7.3980, 4.0, 1.080, 0.940, 0.730, 7.270,-3.820, -7.310, 0.061,
' LS 3p6.3d7.(2F).4s d3F'
' JK 3p6.3d7.(4D<5/2>).4f 2[7/2]*'
' K07 Kurucz FeI Fe 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 '
'Ti 1', 4404.8959, -0.534, 1.8790, 4.0, 4.6930, 4.0, 1.060, 1.240, 1.150, 8.020,-5.660, -7.700, 0.461,
' LS (2G)4s a3G'
' LS (2D)4p u3F*'
' K10 Kurucz TiI Ti 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 '
'Co 1', 4404.9324, -1.542, 2.6300, 0.5, 5.4440, 1.5, 0.680, 1.130, 1.240, 8.030,-6.050, -7.790, 0.157,
' LS d7s2 b2P'
' LS (1D)4p x2D*'
' K08 Kurucz CoI Co 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 7 K08 '
'V 1', 4405.0118, -2.400, 0.2750, 2.5, 3.0890, 1.5, 1.660, 1.710, 1.620, 7.660,-6.070, 312.257, 0.052,
' LS (5D)4s a6D'
' LS (5D)4p z4P*'
' K09 Kurucz V I V 8 K09 4 MFW 8 K09 8 K09 8 K09 8 K09 8 K09 6 BPM 8 K09 '
'Fe 1', 4405.0190, -5.221, 0.0520, 3.0, 2.8650, 3.0, 1.500, 1.510, 1.510, 4.360,-6.210, -7.820, 0.808,
' LS 3p6.3d6.4s2 a5D'
' LS 3p6.3d6.(5D).4s.4p.(3P*) z7F*'
' BWL E Fe 1 exp. Fe 5 BWL 5 BWL 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 1 K07 '
'Ti 1', 4405.6819, -1.874, 1.0530, 1.0, 3.8660, 1.0, 1.500, 0.510, 1.010, 7.360,-6.010, -7.740, 0.223,
' LS d2s2 a3P'
' LS 3Psp3P v3D*'
' K10 Kurucz TiI Ti 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 2 K10 '
'H : 0.92','He: -1.11',
'Li:-10.94','Be:-10.64','B : -9.49','C : -3.52','N : -4.12','O : -3.21',
'F : -7.48','Ne: -3.96','Na: -5.71','Mg: -4.46','Al: -5.57','Si: -4.49',
'P : -6.59','S : -4.71','Cl: -6.54','Ar: -5.64','K : -6.92','Ca: -5.68',
'Sc: -8.87','Ti: -7.02','V : -8.04','Cr: -6.37','Mn: -6.65','Fe: -4.54',
'Co: -7.12','Ni: -5.79','Cu: -7.83','Zn: -7.44','Ga: -9.16','Ge: -8.63',
'As: -9.67','Se: -8.63','Br: -9.41','Kr: -8.73','Rb: -9.44','Sr: -9.07',
'Y : -9.80','Zr: -9.44','Nb:-10.62','Mo:-10.12','Tc:-20.00','Ru:-10.20',
'Sb:-11.04','Te: -9.80','I :-10.53','Xe: -9.87','Cs:-10.91','Ba: -9.91',
'Tm:-12.04','Yb:-10.96','Lu:-11.98','Hf:-11.16','Ta:-12.17','W :-10.93',
'Fr:-20.00','Ra:-20.00','Ac:-20.00','Th:-11.95','Pa:-20.00','U :-12.54',
* oscillator strengths were scaled by the solar isotopic ratios.
1. Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 1
2. Kurucz obs. energy level: Ti 1
3. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 2
4. V : NBS data
5. Fe 1: exp. data
6. Van der Waals data
7. Kurucz obs. energy level: Co 1
8. Kurucz obs. energy level: V 1
Note, that in Long Format mode the Accuracy field can be followed by one extra letter that marks Autoionizing or forbidden lines.