ShowLine request

ShowLine request format

ShowLine extraction tool is meant for understanding the how the data from multiple sources is merged into the output transition information. In VALD3 ShowLine request can be performed using the conventional email service (EMS) or as an interactive web-form query.

The format of an EMS request looks like this:

  begin request
  Show Line
  <lambda>, <wavelength_window>
  <species1>, ...
  end request

The search will be performed in a wavelength_window around the selected wavelength lambda. Species name is optional. One can include ionization stage if only transitions for specific ion are needed. Multiple species (comma separated) can be listed in a single request. Species names are case-sensitive.

Here is an example of a ShowLine request:

  begin request
  4491.405, 0.1,
  Fe 1, Fe 2
  end request


Currently the only two supported options are:

All other options for now are fixed as following:

Output example for ShowLine

The output consist of two parts. First, all VALD3 data relevant for specified constraints are listed using long format. The second part shows the result(s) of the merger.


 Extracts all information about one particular line 
 and possible replacements from VALD 3.0 files
 and shows the results of the merger.

Basic extraction parameters used:

 Central wavelength:                   4491.405 [A]
 Wavelength range:                        0.100 [A]
 Size of scan window:                     0.045 [A]
 Highest ion number allowed:             9
 Maximum excitation potential for the 
                   lower energy level: 1209819. [cm^-1]
                                        150.000 [eV]
 Species requested:                      Fe 1, Fe 2
 Configuration file used:      default.cfg
 Extraction options used:
                 Long format
                 Extended van der Waals
                 Wavelengths in Å and in air for lambda > 2000Å
                 Energies in cm¯1
                 log gf scaled by solar isotopic ratios
 Date and time of extraction:  2014-03-10 at 13:13 (+01:00 relative to UTC)

Spectral lines found (4 text lines per transition listed in a given source, the
VALD internal ranking parameter is provided in parentheses next to each value):

1) Database reference for the line
2) Wavelength[A]   Element/Ion      log gf        E(low)[cm^-1]      J(low)      E(up)[cm^-1]   J(up)
3)    Lande: eff.   low    up   Gamma.Rad     Gamma.Stark        Gamma.VdW
4) Lower level coupling (2), electronic configuration and Term designation (86).
5) Upper level coupling (2), electronic configuration and Term designation (86).
6) Source (7).     Accuracy (10).  Comment (16).
Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 2
   4491.3971 ( 3)  Fe 2             -2.708 ( 3)     23031.2830 ( 3)     1.5     45289.8250 ( 3)     1.5
       0.422 ( 3)   0.40  0.45  8.460 ( 3)   -6.530 ( 3)        -7.890 ( 3) 
   LS                                                                      3d6.(3F2).4s b4F
   LS                                                                      3d6.(5D).4p z4F*
   K13               Kurucz FeII 2013 ( 3) Fe+

Fe: NBS data
   4491.4000 ( 2)  Fe 2             -2.700 ( 4)     23031.0000 ( 2)     1.5     45290.0000 ( 2)     1.5
      99.000 ( 2)  99.00 99.00  0.000 ( 2)    0.000 ( 2)         0.000 ( 2) 
   LS                                                                        -          b4F
   LS                                                                 -                z4F*
   FMW    NC         Fe: NBS data.    ( 3) Fe+

Fe 2: Raassen & Uylings
   4491.4050 ( 2)  Fe 2             -2.756 ( 5)     23031.3000 ( 2)     1.5     45289.8000 ( 2)     1.5
       0.421 ( 2)   0.40  0.44  0.000 ( 2)    0.000 ( 2)         0.000 ( 2) 
   LS                                                               3d6.(a3F).4s        b4F
   LS                                                              3d6.(5D).4p         z4F*
   RU                Fe 2: Raassen &  ( 2) Fe+

Fe 2: exp. data
   4491.4050 ( 3)  Fe 2             -2.700 ( 6)     23031.3000 ( 2)     1.5     45289.8010 ( 2)     1.5
       0.421 ( 2)   0.40  0.44  8.481 ( 2)   -6.599 ( 2)        -7.946 ( 2) 
   LS                                                               3d6.(3F).4s         b4F
   LS                                                             3d6.(5D).4p          z4F*
   KK     E0.10      Fe 2 exp. (VALD2 ( 2) Fe+

Van der Waals data
   4491.4050 ( 0)  Fe 2              0.000 ( 1)     23031.3000 ( 1)     1.5     45289.8010 ( 1)     1.5
      99.000 ( 1)  99.00 99.00  0.000 ( 1)    0.000 ( 1)        -7.880 ( 9) 
   BA-J              Van der Waals da ( 1) Fe+

Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 2
   4491.4544 ( 3)  Fe 2             -4.269 ( 3)    102394.7640 ( 3)     3.5    124653.0220 ( 3)     2.5
       2.116 ( 3)   1.45  0.92  8.940 ( 3)   -4.400 ( 3)        -7.480 ( 3) 
   LS                                                                        3d6.(5D).6s 4D
   JK                                                                  3d6.(3F<3>).4f 2[3]*
   K13               Kurucz FeII 2013 ( 3) Fe+

Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 1
   4491.4686 ( 3)  Fe 1             -4.942 ( 3)     29371.8100 ( 3)     3.0     51629.9980 ( 3)     2.0
       1.165 ( 3)   1.33  1.49  7.720 ( 3)   -4.400 ( 3)        -7.450 ( 3) 
   LS                                                                       3p6.3d6.4s2 b3D
   LS                                                        3p6.3d6.(5D).4s.\ (6D).5p t5D*
   K07               Kurucz FeI 2007  ( 3) Fe

 The data above should be combined to the following set of lines (The output in
 long format skipping Lande factors is displayed).
 Numbers in front of the source keys refer to the line list names below.

1) Wl[A]      El/Ion      log(gf)     Ei[cm-1]    Ji     Ek[cm^-1]    Jk Lande  gam.r   gam.s   gam.w
2) Coupling, elec. configuration and term designation lower(i)
3) Coupling, elec. configuration and term designation lower(k)
4) references (except for El/Ion, Ji & Jk)
   4491.3971  Fe 2        -2.700    23031.2830   1.5    45289.8250   1.5  0.42  8.460  -6.530  -7.880
   LS                                                                      3d6.(3F2).4s b4F
   LS                                                                      3d6.(5D).4p z4F*
   KK     E0.10      Kurucz FeII 2013   1 K13       2 KK        1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       3 BA-J      1 K13     Fe+
   4491.4544  Fe 2        -4.269   102394.7640   3.5   124653.0220   2.5  2.12  8.940  -4.400  -7.480
   LS                                                                        3d6.(5D).6s 4D
   JK                                                                  3d6.(3F<3>).4f 2[3]*
   K13               Kurucz FeII 2013   1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       1 K13       1 K13     Fe+
   4491.4686  Fe 1        -4.942    29371.8100   3.0    51629.9980   2.0  1.17  7.720  -4.400  -7.450
   LS                                                                       3p6.3d6.4s2 b3D
   LS                                                        3p6.3d6.(5D).4s.\ (6D).5p t5D*
   K07               Kurucz FeI 2007    4 K07       4 K07       4 K07       4 K07       4 K07       4 K07       4 K07       4 K07       4 K07     Fe
Key to references: 
  1. Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 2
  2. Fe 2: exp. data
  3. Van der Waals data
  4. Kurucz obs. energy level: Fe 1

Note, that in Long Format mode the Accuracy field can be followed by one extra letter that marks Autoionizing or forbidden lines.

ValdWiki: showline_output (last edited 2024-04-25 07:53:33 by NikolaiPiskunov)