There are 540 factsheets here, each a two-page PDF-file.
The label at the top gives T$_\star$, log L$_\star$, M$_\star$, log(C-O)+12, u$_p$, and f$_L$ for a quick overview. The upper leftmost diagram gives the K, J and V magnitudes as a function of phase (with maximum luminosity at phase 0.0). The ranges are identical on all fact sheets to facilitate comparisons of different models; this is true for the three upper diagrams. The different colours correspond to the different epochs selected for the spectral synthesis. The middle and right upper panels show two colour-colour diagrams, the blackbody line is also shown. The three middle panels show, as a function of time, the mass-loss rate, the gas velocity, and the condensation degree for carbon, all three at the outer boundary (25 R$_\star$); here the vertical scales are identical on all fact sheets, the time intervals do vary from model to model. For the models without a wind, the position of the outer boundary is shown instead of the mass-loss rate. For the episodic models, we show both of them. The horizontal dashed and dotted lines denote the mean value, and the mean value +/- the standard deviation. The bottom part contains the light-curves in K, J and V; here the dotted vertical lines denote the positions of the luminosity maxima, the maximum range in magnitudes is also given, for the V magnitude also the mean amplitude over a (luminosity) cycle. Enlarged versions of the three middle plots, now with automatic scaling, are shown for the selected epochs. Finally, a summary of parameters, dynamic and photometric properties are listed.}
The colours in the plots correspond to the selected epochs as given on the first page. In each column we show, from top to bottom, the gas velocity, density, carbon condensation degree, and gas temperature, all as a function of distance from the stellar centre. In each panel, individual curves correspond to snapshots in time, and time increases downwards. The distance between two curves is approximately 0.05 in phase. The curves closest in time to phase 0.0 are drawn with thick black lines. The ordinate scales apply to the bottom (last) curve. The vertical short-dashed lines in the panels denote the distances 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 stellar radii.